Launch of NikkoAM-StraitsTrading MSCI China Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF

The NikkoAM-StraitsTrading MSCI China Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF is the first SGX listed ETF to offer investors access to Chinese companies that are expected to derive significant revenues from energy storage technologies (including electric vehicles), autonomous vehicles, shared mobility and new transportation methods.

The Fund aims to achieve long term capital growth by replicating the returns of the MSCI China All Shares IMI Future Mobility Top 50 Index.

Why MSCI China All Shares IMI Future Mobility Top 50 Index?

  • Partnered with data powerhouse MSCI to customize an index that best represents the Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility (“EVFM”) eco-system in China.

  • Consists of 50 largest companies that are expected to derive significant revenues from energy storage technologies (including electric vehicles), autonomous vehicles, shared mobility and new transportation methods.

  • Reflects opportunity set of China share classes listed in the US, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

  • Diversified by capping securities to a maximum weight of 10% at each index review conducted on a semi-annual basis.

For more information, please visit NikkoAM website or contact your Trading Representative.

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